#endless-septembers #sociophenomenology #social-dynamics #community-dynamics #cohost-repost

I've posted before about how endless septembers are what happen when your onboarding/mentorship capacity is outstripped by exponential growth -- i.e. a wild success, to your detriment.

But we need to figure out how to scale with that, because so many cultural institutions/infrastructure is obliterated by the exponential influx -- anything preexisting is drown out by people who can relate to each other more than anyone else just due to temporality, all entering at the same time.

there was a statistic thrown around (probably apocryphal but I'm willing to bet within three square ballparks), that we're at the point that half of the Field of Computing has at most 5 years of experience, perpetually.

that is to say were at the point where every 5 years, it doubles.

but it takes far longer to get anything to stick -- hell, we're seeing revivals of 90s concepts in 2023.

it's part of why everything feels like it's moving out from under you, because there's no way to write enough down to prevent a million reinventions of the wheel and axel.

and yelling at it won't change it so imo we really need to be thinking about how to roll with it and best guide the Zerg to more useful places.